

Fashion | Respect My Celebrity Spring 2011 Shoot

In early April, I shot the Spring collection of Respect My Celebrity, a local apparel line created by a couple of my friends.  I've seen their T-Shirts being worn by friends across Facebook, but never thought about shooting their line.  Until! :) Jimmy, one of the founders, contacted me in January and said he'd seen some of my work, liked it, and wanted to know if I'll be interested in shooting their clothing line.  I was intrigued and said that I would love to!  It was a great opportunity for me to expand my skills in fashion and RMC to get a different look for their site.
 Now, I will admit I was a bit nervous.  At the time he presented me this opportunity, it was dead Winter! Cold, cold, cold, and not ideal outside-shooting conditions.  Which meant that I had to shoot inside and that the use of flash was imminent. Eek! and I certainly don't feel comfortable with the use of flash - yet! So we waited until Spring to shoot outside with natural light.
Miss Jay Jones was our model for that morning and did a great job! You may remember her from my previous post about her portrait shoot here.  We also had Jahnea assist us in the shoot and made sure everything we needed was within reach.  So there we were, 3 girls doing their thang! Now behold some of the looks from the shoot.

Though the pose is more forward and too obvious, I really like the smiley and heart on the little window behind her.  :]  

The next two shots were my favorite!!! I could really see it in a spread and I loved the composition!

Check out Jahnea, our assistant. Thank you! and the in-action shot she took.

Thank you ladies for a successful shoot!

I really enjoyed doing a fashion shoot.. I'mma continue on this path perhaps :)

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